

Starting a business while you are employed in the UAE

Are you a full-time working employee thinking about starting your own business in the UAE? If so, you are not alone. Around 50% of the people residing in the UAE prefer to start a new business with a full-time job that pays a regular salary and benefits in the background.

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Top 5 Startup Funding Programs in the UAE

About 50% of the companies registered in Dubai are startups and employ half of the city’s workforce. The UAE government are committed to transforming the country into a new testbed for startups and entrepreneurs to innovate and extend the possibilities of emerging technologies.

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Company Setup

How to setup a clinic in Dubai

The UAE healthcare market is witnessing astonishing growth with the high demand for healthcare and the rising initiatives by the government. The government is extensively upgrading and expanding the healthcare system to develop a strong world-class healthcare infrastructure.

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