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Starting a business while you are employed in the UAE

Are you a full-time working employee thinking about starting your own business in the UAE? If so, you are not alone. Around 50% of the people residing in the UAE prefer to start a new business with a full-time job that pays a regular salary and benefits in the background.

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Top 5 Startup Funding Programs in the UAE

About 50% of the companies registered in Dubai are startups and employ half of the city’s workforce. The UAE government are committed to transforming the country into a new testbed for startups and entrepreneurs to innovate and extend the possibilities of emerging technologies.

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How to sell your company in Dubai

Are you planning to sell the business you set up in Dubai? Many entrepreneurs like to sell their running businesses for a good profit, in order to reinvest it and start a new business in the UAE.

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How to change my corporate sponsor

When starting a business in Dubai, foreign investors are often required to find a local sponsor. This is a mandatory requirement for acquiring a mainland license in Dubai, although rare exceptions to this rule exist.

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